
ENPER (European Network for Plant Endomembrane Research) meeting is the first and oldest international conference of the plant membrane research community specifically devoted to studying plant membrane functions. ENPER was created in 1996 by Professor David Robinson, and since then has been organized each year in different countries with about 150 scientists gathered from Europe and around the world. Indeed, although the meeting is titled "European Network", researchers from North America, South America and Asia are welcome and participate regularly. ENPER annual meetings gather together biologists working on various aspects of plant membrane research. Themes covered are centered on, but are not limited to, general elements of trafficking machineries, secretion, endocytosis, recycling pathways, cell polarity, endomembrane network function in plant development, plasma membrane and intracellular organelles dynamics and functioning. A strong emphasis has always been made at the ENPER meeting to give young researchers (PhD students and Post-docs) the opportunity to present their work in front of a highly specialized audience. Young group leaders are also welcome to hold a presentation, but are strongly encouraged to let their students and post-docs to present their own work whenever possible. ENPER meetings provide an excellent opportunity for young plant scientists from different labs to exchange ideas and to discuss during both the meeting but also in a convivial atmosphere in the evenings around a drink or a restaurant table. This Year the meeting will be held in Bordeaux where we are looking forward to see you!

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